Acer Palmatum Mature 80 cm

Do you have a beautiful outdoor bonsai that you want to care for to perfection? Don't forget to rotate it regularly!  Rotating your outdoor bonsai ensures that all sides of the tree are evenly exposed to sunlight, which is essential for healthy growth and a balanced shape.

Here are some handy tips:


1: Frequency:

Rotate your outdoor bonsai about once a week to once every two weeks. This allows each side of your bonsai to get the necessary sunlight!


2: Even growth: By consistently rotating your bonsai, you prevent it from growing towards one side. This helps maintain a harmonious shape and a beautiful appearance.


3: Seasonal variations:

Take into account seasonal changes. During spring and summer, your bonsai may need more sunlight, while in winter, you may need to place it closer to shelter to protect it from extreme weather conditions.

So, rotate that outdoor bonsai and watch it shine in all the beauty of its miniature world.